Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Quarantine and the Crown

These days, as we all practice social distancing while others are quarantined, I began to look at the meaning of the word “quarantine”.

The word has its roots in the Latin “quadraginta” and the Italian “quaranta”, both meaning “40”.

In the Middle Ages, when the plague gripped Europe, ships would be isolated in harbour for 40 days (“quaranta giorni”) before passengers could go ashore. Hence, quarantine.

But there are more interesting notes about the number 40:

- The rains fell on Noah for 40 days and 40 nights before he found land.

- The Jewish people wandered in the desert for 40 years before entering the Promised Land.

- Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai, and came down with the Ten Commandments.

- Jesus was in the desert for 40 days before he began his public ministry.

- A baby is in gestation for 40 weeks before it is born.

- Lent is the 40 days before Easter and the resurrection… the time where we find ourselves now.

All of these events speak to a time of great transformation, and to renewal.

We are all now in forced isolation – a time we never would have taken for ourselves – where we must withdraw from the busyness of the outer world; but have the great opportunity to go explore the sacred realms of our inner worlds. The world of Spirit.

It is here where our deepest longings and questions are answered. It is here where we are awakened.

And what is it that we are being awakened to?

Yes, of course, to our connected-ness and brotherhood. But there is more.

It is a curious thing that this virus is called corona-virus. Corona means crown, and as I reflected on the symbolism of the crown, I realized that:

Our crown chakra – our connection to the Divine and Universal Consciousness – is being given the chance to truly heal and open.

The crown in our hearts can only belong to one King or Queen… and we must choose whether it is love or fear that reigns in our inner kingdom.

The crown that tops the Statue of Liberty – one of the greatest modern symbols of freedom – is called the “corona radiata”, the radiant crown, its seven rays forming a halo around the head. I like to think it speaks to awakening the seven chakras so that we may radiate like the sun, as the fully-liberated children of the Divine that we are! 

A crown ultimately symbolizes royalty, those of Divine or royal heritage. Is this not who we are?

Are we all not the spiritual children of the same God, no matter how you define God?

What a glorious, loving opportunity we are being given right now to awaken to this realization… and to live it.

Love, always,

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#monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #consciousness #crown #corona #coronovirus #Divine #transformation #quaratine #healing #love #GodLove #Spirit 

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