Mony Dojeiji - on the path |
It’s impossible to tune out completely, unless you isolate yourself from the world. Although important to do, I also believe we’re here to engage with the world in a meaningful way rather than try to escape it.
The question always becomes: what can I possibly do?
When I walked to Jerusalem, I was DOING something, responding to a situation (9/11) that left me feeling vulnerable and afraid. My pilgrimage for peace would be my contribution to the forces and energies of peace.
But I certainly wasn’t a person at peace.
I was full of judgments. I had so many expectations. So many rigid ideas of right and wrong, my way or no way. (Just ask Alberto! LOL) So many fears. So much anger at what I perceived as injustices in the world and those perpetrating it.
My big dream when I arrived in Jerusalem was to spark a massive march for peace, bring together people from all faiths and religions, Israelis and Palestinians, and whoever else wanted to join us in a march demanding peace in the Holy Land. I even wanted to live there, working for the UN or some NGO dedicated to peace.
It certainly didn’t work out that way.
Although my intentions were pure – creating peace – my heart was fractured. Conflicted. Bitter. In pain.
How could such a heart inspire peace in another?
What kind of peace would this heart be creating?
I was so focused on outer action, though, that I didn’t see this right away. The journey and its myriad experiences revealed these – and many more – truths to me, along with what was perhaps the most difficult to accept:
There is nothing out there.
It is ALL inside of you, revealing itself to you so that you may acknowledge it, accept it and liberate it.
The priest that I judged and criticized for turning us away was the loving opportunity to heal the fears, expectations and judgments within me.
The woman who brought me to tears because I couldn’t live up to her expectations of how a good pilgrim should behave was the loving opportunity to heal the wounded child within me.
The few people who mocked or dismissed my pilgrimage were the loving opportunity to stand confidently in my truth and to speak it with open heart, even as it was still forming within me.
The days and nights of anxiety and uncertainty when we didn’t know if we would have a roof over our heads were the loving opportunity to have faith in what we couldn’t see, and to know that a Great Love is always at work.
This was the true journey. The transformation that was taking place. So that Peace and Love would find a home within me. And inspire my action in the world.
THAT is the inner (r)evolution.
And the source of all outer (r)evolutions.
Gandhi. Martin Luther King. Marianne Williamson. They all understood this when they called for a revolution of Love.
And every revolution needs its revolutionaries:
Revolutionaries of Love,
Dissolving the bitterness and barriers within, so that they may be dissolved without.
When our inner walls crumble, the outer walls cannot help but follow suit.
~Mony 💖🙏
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#monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #consciousness #love #revolution #revolutionaries #lightworkers #peace #innerjourney #innerpeace #MarianneWilliamson #MLK #Gandhi #evolution #transformation #pilgrimage #peacepilgrim #pilgrim
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