Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Meditation for the Mind

As talk of mental health swirls around these days, I offer a meditation that I hope serves you in your journeys towards wholeness of mind, body, heart and spirit.

I shared it last year, but have slightly modified it. If there’s interest, I’ll record it and share it, but I encourage you to record it for yourself...for your personal use, of course. 😊

With love, 🙏💞

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"You come seeking clarity of mind, when in reality what is troubled is the heart.

Your beautiful mind will always seek to make sense of deep truths. And well it should. But know this:

Truth is captured in the heart first. Understood in the heart first.

Your mind then begins to interpret and give meaning to this Truth.

My invitation to you now is to drop your attention to your heart.

As you so do, imagine your mind coming along for the ride.

Imagine your thoughts, your ideas, your concepts – all that you believe about who you are – dropping into your heart. Let them rest there.

Now look to your body. Where do you feel sadness? Where do you feel anxiety, fear, worry, loneliness? Place your attention there. Imagine them all moving to your heart.

Why? Because the Highest Intelligence resides in your heart; the answers to all your questions, the peace you long for, the shelter from your emotional and mental storms… all are to be found in your heart.

Let your heart be the refuge for all your pain and suffering.

Breathe. Deeply. Fully.

On the breath, we infuse life to sustain you, love to nourish you, light to heal you.

Let your exhale be the confirmation that you have received life, love, light.

Keep breathing into your heart. Keep imagining your thoughts and your sorrows flowing like a river into a pool of infinite, ever-expanding light within you.

In this pool of light that continues to expand with every breath, all is held. All is forgiven. All is made right. All is transformed into wisdom and understanding, which you will now take as nourishment for your life journey ahead.

With every breath, the light in your heart expands, taking in even more thoughts and feelings. It’s a super-highway conducting (attracting, calling) the pain and less-than thinking unto itself, transforming it into wisdom, transforming it into more light. You can’t help but grow in light with every breath that you take.

Do this for yourself. Breathe your thoughts and feelings into your heart. Over and again.

Do this for another. Breathe the light for those who at this moment can’t do it for themselves. Imagine it growing inside their hearts in the same manner it has grown in yours. Imagine the super-highway of light conducting all the sorrows and less-than thoughts into this magnificent pool of light.

And while your mind still clamours for clarity, we say to you that the journey from mind-fulness to heart-fulness is the greatest journey you will ever undertake.

Your mind, we repeat, can only interpret what the heart knows as truth.

As you expand your heart, you attune to Higher Truth and capture it in your heart.

As your heart expands and settles into this delicious feeling of Being, Love naturally expands to your mind.

Your mind softens. All un-truth dissolve in the presence of Love.
In this softened, pliable state, your mind is now able to interpret the heart’s knowing.

In this exalted state, your mind remains:

A servant of the heart. a beloved collaborator in your soul’s journey into ever-greater states of expansion, leading you to the only Home and only Truth:

God Love.

May these words bring you peace. We hold you in the warmest of embraces.”

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#monydojeiji #channeling #consciousness #walkingforpeace #lightworkers #light #love #peace #wholness #mentalhealth #bodymindspirit #meditation #breathe #heartfulness #mindfulness 

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