Monday, October 28, 2019

I Choose Kindness

Friends, be kind today.

In Canada, we are voting for a new Prime Minister and government, and what this election has shown is that there are far too many among us who are filled with anger, hatred, prejudice and fear.

This is the time to envelop them in our field of love, not cast them away in a torrent of condemnation.

The more we dismiss, judge and label those whose ideas seem so extreme to our own, the more we keep them where they are and make it harder for them to step away from that place of fear.

The more ridiculed they feel, the more they will dig in to defend their choices, because no one wants to look foolish or stupid.

They need to know that a bridge exists.

You can be that bridge.

The one who listens deeply. Who holds space for pain and fear to be revealed so that it can be healed. Who forgives. Who shows compassion. Who sows the seeds of light in the other.

This can only happen when we can do this for ourselves too.

Let it begin with me.

Love, always 💞🙏

#monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #consciousness #Canadian #elxn43 #cdnpoli #CanadianElections #kindness #love #respect #lightworkers

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