Monday, June 3, 2019

June - my Birthday Month - Reflections

Every year, as we enter June – my birthday month – I become reflective. I ask myself:
Where am I at, on all levels? Am I being true to the highest within me? Am I listening to the voice of my heart, or only that of obligation? Am I still walking the path of love that I keep talking about?
I can confidently say that this past year has been about standing fully on the spiritual path I undertook long ago, and placing it front and centre in all that I do.
Not allude to it. Not make subtle reference to it. Not couch it in pretzeled words.
Stand fully in it. Let its wisdom define my steps.
This has truly been my journey since the day I returned from pilgrimage, and began sharing the stories and experiences. There's a battle that has continually waged within me between the “professional” world and the “spiritual” world:
How do you bridge these worlds? How do you speak from the heart and be taken seriously in a professional setting? How do you remain loyal to your truth and BE an instrument of love when the world around you seems to trivialize that?
Those have been the big questions that I and Alberto have grappled with.
What I now know for sure is that there is only the inner journey. The outer world is a manifestation of all my inner longings and limitations. There is nothing "out there".
I see so clearly now that whatever shows up is a loving opportunity to see the wounds within me that are clamouring to be healed, the entrenched beliefs that seek to be transformed back to love, the thoughts that need to be elevated back to their divine essence.
I have also seen how this way of being transforms every opportunity and interaction I define as "professional".
For a while now, I have felt a tide rising within me that can no longer be contained… and that I do not wish to contain.
I believe this is not only happening to me, but all around me, in the discourse we are now seeing in all areas of life ( social, political, economic, etc.) on the importance of placing love front and centre in all that we do, that it may light our way forward as one human family and guide us to our inevitable awakening in consciousness.
It's an exciting time to be alive, and to participate, in my own way, in this awakening.
I’ll be making more concrete announcements shortly but, for now, I want to thank you for being on this magnificent journey with me as I too explore what it means to be love in this world and to continually pour it forth.
All my love 🙏💖
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