Friday, May 23, 2014

Flowing with Life

It's amazing how events unfold when we simply flow with life.

Yesterday, I went to drop off a copy of our Spanish book to Marcelo, a gentleman I met on Sunday at the book launch of our friend Roxana Orue. I had debated going to this even...t because Alberto was leaving for Spain the next day and we had many details to attend to; but I'm glad that I did because I met some truly wonderful people in the Latino community here in Ottawa, Marcelo being one of them.

When he heard the story of our walk, he asked if we would like to come onto his Latino radio show at CHIN Radio Ottawa. I told him we would be delighted, promising to drop off a copy of the book for his review, when I could. Yesterday was the day

I drove to the station without expectation of seeing him, only to drop off the book. After driving around the block twice and not finding parking, I decided to park in a garage not too far away. I walked into the station, repeating my new mantra "I always arrive at the perfect time; not MY time, but the perfect divine time".

I was buzzed in, and walked up to the counter. Who was there? Marcelo! I'm not sure whose surprise was greater at that moment. He excitedly welcomed me and waved me inside, telling me I must meet the host of the show, Veronica. He introduced me quickly, telling me he must rush to finish the last five minutes of the show, and leaving me with her to explain myself. Veronica is so welcoming and engaging, asking me to take a seat while she says her final goodbyes on the show.

As she is signing off, she tells her listeners to tune in next week because they will be doing an interview with me, and then asks me to present myself, on air! I don't know what I said exactly, but I distinctly remember feeling very light, as if I was floating effortlessly through events that had somehow been orchestrated, and that only needed that I release all necessity to control and simply flow with them.

Had I arrived a few seconds earlier or later, I would not have seen Marcelo and would have simply left the book with the receptionist. Had I become frustrated at not finding street parking where I wanted, I would not have driven to the garage and then calmly walked over. So many small decisions that, had I not chosen to remain present and unattached to any outcome, would have most likely resulted in other outcomes. That, to me, is the work of the inner journey, bringing the lessons of pilgrimage into the everyday.

And the best part? It was Marcelo's birthday yesterday...

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