Friday, April 18, 2014

The inner teaching of Easter

My thinking about Easter, and this time of crucifixion and resurrection, changed radically when I began to read the more mystical and esoteric interpretations of the life of the Great Master known as Jesus. The teachings of White Eagle resonated deeply with my belief that we are eternal beings of Light on a journey of unfolding ever more Light, and bringing it into the world; that our sole/soul journey is to be in ever greater states of that Light, pouring it forth through a heart connected to its Source (which is Love), in every moment.

Image by artist Bruce Harman
The Master Jesus was a perfected instrument for this Great Light; and he blessed the world not only with his teachings, but with his presence and example of BEING this Light, of allowing it to flow through him; and in so doing, demonstrated the ultimate power of this Light, which is to overcome "death".

This is truly a very sacred time, a reminder that though we may suffer (or feel crucified), within that too is the seed for re-birth and ever-greater manifestation of the Light.

Blessings to all,

From White Eagle: 'We wish we could express in earthly words more of the inner significance of the life of the master Jesus. So little is really understood of the inner meaning and the power of that incarnation of the Great White Light - we are speaking not just of Jesus the Nazarene, but the LIGHT which flooded his being and used his physical form. This is the eternal in which you will learn to live in full consciousness; and Easter is the demonstration to all people of the inability of people to destroy God's life. However much they try to destroy life it just rises again like the phoenix. There is no death and life cannot be destroyed. This is a most important truth for everyone to absorb into their consciousness. We ask you to meditate on this and as you meditate to remember how you are linked on that higher level of consciousness with the eternal and infinite light, the Son of God, the Sun.'

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