Friday, January 8, 2021

Holding Space


Mony Dojeiji

To me, it is the knowing that there is nothing happening in my world that is separate from me.

Not one thing.

This is the meaning of Oneness. Of we are one.

So if in my world there is pain in any form, mine is to bring it Home.

Mine is to align with Love and, together with Love, look with courage upon all that I would rather look away from, and bring it in to be healed.

Because there is nothing that Love cannot transform. 

In the Love that I know to be God, I anchor... and bring it ALL in.

God knows what to do with it.

And in the Peace that settles upon my heart, Love can write its Truth and speak to me of what is mine to do.

This is my spiritual practice.

Each and every one of us who walks the path of Love can do this.

As always, let it begin with me. 🙏💕


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#monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #holdingspace #letitbeginwithme #love #BringitIN #oneness #WeAreOne #spirituality #spiritualityinaction #myspiritualjourney #myspiritualpractice

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