Friday, September 25, 2020

Looking Away

It’s so tempting to look away from all that we see in our world right now, source of much anxiety, fear and anger in our lives. We feel at a loss, helpless before a tide that threatens to overwhelm us.

In many (especially new age) teachings, we are taught to send love and light to these situations. I’ve done this too. As well-meaning as this is, I’ve come to realize that it also leaves me feeling disempowered, reinforcing a belief that the situation is happening “over there”, and has nothing to do with me “over here”; as if I am in no way implicated in the creation of that situation.

But if that situation is in MY sphere of awareness – if it has come to ME – then it is for ME to look at. Why?

So that I may fulfill the important task of bringing it to the Light. 

In so doing, I am taking the brave step of acknowledging my (most likely subconscious) part in its creation. I’m taking responsibility for any beliefs, thoughts, ideas within ME that have contributed to this situation. I’m taking responsibility for how I’m responding, with any emotion that is not love, compassion, brotherhood. I’m accepting that I don’t begin or end at the edge of my body, and that the larger world I see is part of my “self”. I’m accepting my part as the one who is projecting what I’m seeing in the movie of my world. I’m accepting that I was as a child learning to choose from love, and was unable to do so. I’m accepting my error. I’m accepting that I’m not judged for making this error. I’m forgiving myself, and accepting forgiveness. 

From this place of inner acceptance, I call unto me all that I have mis-created – my errors in thought and interpretation – to the One who can correct them.

My mind will insist that I am in no way responsible for what’s happening “out there” because I’m a good person and would never think, say or do anything that “they” are saying or doing.

That’s the refuge the mind offers us, protecting a heart unable to bear witness to the events of the day.

But the heart is stronger than the mind and its arguments. Our heart is a muscle, and like any muscle, it wants to flex! It wants to show its might, its power, its grandeur. It wants to be unleashed, but is kept locked up by a mind that wants to keep it – and us – “safe”. 

There is nothing that the heart cannot fearlessly look at because the heart is the seat of God Love. 

With God Love, I can look out upon the world and bring it in, rather than push it out; and give it the One who can transform it IN ME;

Who can take my fear and give me peace;

Who can take my helplessness and give me power;

Who can take my confusion and give me clarity;

Who can inspire me with whatever action is mine to take;

A few weeks ago, Alberto told me of a vision he had during a meditation. He was standing as a light himself surrounded by (absorbed in) a grander, more infinite light (like a sun) that he knew to be God. Alberto says he wants to go look at the “darkness” or “shadows” within him, and God says, “Let’s go together.” But they don’t move. Instead, a big movie screen appears before them, and they appear to be going down a spiral staircase into a dark dungeon with thick, rusted doors and bars. As the image continues to pass through them (remember, they’re not moving), the dungeon is transformed to gold, flowers and greenery. In one of the cages, they see a wolfman-type monster and a boy in rags. Both feel ashamed and guilty for what they have done, and shrink in fear; but they are pulled into the light, which transforms them into two beautiful beings of light who now reach out and extend their hands to be part of the greater light.

It is a powerful image which has stayed with me. 

I believe this is one of the most loving things I can do at this moment: 

Remember that I am One with my Creator, and all of creation. This is the source of my true power.

In that Oneness – in that state that is Grace – I open my heart wide and draw unto me all that I see that causes me fear or angst.

In loving gratitude, I allow Spirit to do the work of liberating me…and the world.

May these words serve you in your journeys.

Love, always.


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#monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #consciousness #stillness #peace #lightworkers #innerpeace #awakening #light

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