Monday, October 28, 2019

Laying Down the Cross


 Today, Alberto and I went for a walk on the path near our home. It had become a ritual to visit a certain bench along the way but, for some reason today, I didn't feel like going.

More accurately, something was telling me to stay behind and let Alberto go alone.

We parted ways on the bridge, agreeing to meet up shortly.

As you can see from the picture, there's a concrete 'ledge' on either side of the bridge. As soon as I stepped onto one side - where the waters run rapidly - a fire truck and ambulance siren began to wail. Loudly. I stopped and waited, understanding this was not the way, for whatever reason.

I crossed the bridge to the other side. Here, the water appeared to be at a standstill, almost stagnant, but as I looked more closely, I noticed that the waters were indeed flowing.

"How true is that," I thought. "The water always knows where it's going. And, inevitably, finds itself merging into more infinite waters. There's wisdom in that flow, and I surrender myself to it."

I stayed for a while longer, appreciating the flow, then turned to leave. At that moment, my eyes caught sight of emerald-coloured beads hanging on the branch beside me.

A rosary.

Without the cross.

Mary holding an infant Jesus on one side.

On the other side, an adult Jesus holding a chalice, from which a heart can be seen and what looks like a fountain coming out of that chalice.

As I held the beads in my hand, I understood the message:

Love. The fountain of life. Abundant. Ever-flowing. Inexhaustible. It abides in the heart of (wo)mankind. It's what nourishes and blesses one, and all. The Holy Grail.

The cross of expectations, obligations, fears, limitations, judgments...all of it, laid down. Transformed by Love into wisdom, understanding, peace.

We all carry one form of cross or another in our lives. The invitation is always there to lay it down. To let Love liberate it so that you may stand - confidently, authentically - as the fully-realized child of the Divine that you are.

Love always, 🙏💕

#monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #consciousness #love #wisdom #peace

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