Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What can I Do to Support an Arising Consciousness?

What can I do to support this arising consciousness of Love in our politics, our economics, our world, ourselves?
It’s a question I ask myself often, especially as we here in Canada and the U.S. enter an election season where it’s easy to be swayed by all the emotional turbulence. The response, without fail, is usually:
Stop judging!
Stop judging the person. The situation. The emotions they evoke in you. Your thoughts.
Better yet, stay in a field of Love, and extend that field out to people you strongly disagree with, and situations that are beyond your control.
Oh, is that all?! LOL
Sure, it’s easy to extend Love in meditation or prayer, but how do you do that when interacting with the world?
That is, by far, the greatest challenge of my spiritual journey. It’s also the most rewarding when I manage to do it, even for a few moments.
I don’t have an easy answer, but I do have one practice that I consistently go to that keeps me anchored in Love.
As I go about my day, in the back of my mind, I have trained myself to repeat the words:
Over and over and over again.
It’s like a non-stop record. I repeat both phrases – or just one – upon waking, in the shower, when I’m driving, before I go into a meeting, before I speak or write. I especially repeat them before, during and after the news!
Who am I saying them to? No one. And every one!
To myself. To the Universal Consciousness. To my family. Passersby. The cashier. The barista. The coffee. The trees. The sun. The sky. The rain. The earth. My feet. My body. My eyes. The sidewalk. The room. The buildings. The city. The country. The car. The person who cuts me off. The helpers and the builders. The deniers and the dividers. The lovers and the haters. The emotions (anger, fear, sadness, disbelief) that are still there even as I write these words. The thoughts of futility that still interject themselves.
To ALL of it, I say:
Along with deep breathing, these words bring me a sense of deep calm: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. A sense that all is OK. When I do speak, I feel I am speaking from a place of greater inspiration. When I do act, it feels like I’m doing exactly what I need to do in that moment. I feel less rushed, more in flow, more connected to that field of Love and Wisdom, confident that it’s doing its thing through me and that all is Perfect.
Yes, I still get angry. I still lose my patience. I still judge. But I also get back to that field of Love a lot more quickly than I ever used to.
If each one of us was able to do this, imagine the transformations that would take place within us: in our minds, hearts and spirits. Imagine how those ripples of energy would change our world.
May these words serve you in your journeys. I’d love to hear what you do to also stay in consciousness.
Shine on!
Art by A. Wyron on

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