Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Walking for Peace: featured on the DAILY GOOD platform!

Mony and Alberto in Venice, Italy
"I needed ten years to properly digest all that occurred during those thirteen months of walking. Although I was declaring over and again that peace begins within, only with time would I fully comprehend the power and profundity of those words.

I would come to understand that we are all on a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery. There are many who walk this path consciously, others still not.

My Walk for Peace began as an active response to a situation that I saw (9/11); but the true path I was walking in reality had little to do with peace in Jerusalem.

It was a path of initiation, a journey into the inner realms, one whose intention was to heal the wounds and divisions that I hosted there, so that the Light that is our essence may fully manifest and declare its presence in its rightful home: the heart.       

The Jerusalem I was walking towards was always within me; a state of grace, perfection and peace that I know one day will be reflected in the Jerusalem that I see in my outer world."


Click HERE or on the picture to read the full article.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our story on your incredible platform. And thank you to the thousands of people who have read and shared this article. 🙏


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#monydojeiji #albertoagraso #walkingforpeace #consciousness #pilgrims #CaminodeSantiago #RometoJerusalem #innerjourney #pilgrimage #peregrina #peregrino #buencamino #conciencia Alberto Agraso #Jerusalem #WayoftheSoul #WayofLove #love #peace #ligthworkers #caminandoporlapaz #light #spirituality

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