Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I'm Doing the Best I Can

What can I do?

This was a question that was asked often during the Indigenous Youth conference, and was answered beautifully by this story from keynote speaker Dr. Dawn Lavell-Harvard:

A huge forest was being consumed by fire. All the animals were transfixed, watching the forest burning, and feeling overwhelmed and powerless.

Except the little hummingbird.

It flew to the nearest stream, took a drop of water, put it on the fire, and went back for more, over and again, as fast as it could.

In the meantime, larger animals such as the elephants with trunks that could bring much more water, simply stood there watching, also feeling helpless. And they said to the hummingbird,

"This fire is too big. You are too small. Your wings are tiny and your beak can barely hold a drop of water at a time. It's even evaporating before it gets to the fire."

Without missing a beat, the hummingbird responded,

"I am doing the best I can."

This obviously applies to any situation in life that makes us feel overwhelmed or helpless.

So, wherever you are, be that single drop of water that quenches even the tiniest part of that raging fire.

Be the first to listen with an open heart and mind.

Be the one who makes amends.

Be the bringer of laughter and joy.

Be the carrier of goodwill and compassion.

Be the hand that reaches out.

Be the bridge-builder.

Be the love and peace you wish to see in the world.

~Mony <3

Image by Randall Ruiz on unsplash.com
#peace #love #consciousness #reconciliation #truthandreconciliation #TRC #BetheLove #BethePeace #indigenous #BetheChange #wisdom #humminbird #storiesthatinspire 

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