“Those who do what they love are in tune with their purpose
on earth.”
This was the message that Alberto received yesterday when asking
the Universe for guidance. He had randomly chosen a book from the shelf and opened
to this page, the full details of which are at the end of this entry.
We had been debriefing from our latest event, and looking at
the ways in which we can do things better.
We also admitted that it was, at times, difficult to maintain
our positive energy and vision, and to not allow the fears of others to influence
who we are.
Because of low attendance figures at the show, we witnessed around
us all manner of techniques to get the few customers who were there to make a
purchase…and not all of them felt very good. The fear of not making enough
money to even cover costs was palpable.
At the same time, several authors and artists were
expressing their frustration at having to create crowd-pleasing work to attract
customers because those same customers were not buying their unique creations.
The fear of not being able to make a living being your authentic self and selling
your own unique creations was also there.
It’s funny….the more you think you’ve healed something, the
more it reveals itself in subtle manners to really see if you have indeed
Of course, Alberto and I can have illustrations and material
that cater to fans of these events. It’s not a question of ability. It’s always
come down to one question for us: is what you are doing an expression of who
you are?
We know that our work is an expression of who we are, and that
our greater purpose – not only at events, but anywhere – is to stand
confidently in that knowing. No need to defend. No need to convince. Simply to
The doubt appears merely to remind
us that we are not standing in that place of knowing.
So, I went around to those artists who shared their
frustrations with me, and reminded them of the beauty of their creations, that
they are here to express that and honour the sacred gift that only they possess
to bring that beauty into the world. And as I spoke those words, I could feel the
fog lifting, and a calm knowing settling.
The message from the angels was a powerful confirmation of
the path that we choose to continue walking, even when we sometimes stumble and
One step at a time…
Full text
“Too many of us have been brought up to believe that work is
not meant to be enjoyed, let alone loved. Work is meant to give us a paycheck ,
not excite, energize or fulfill us.
The angels, however, know that the opposite is true.
Not only can we earn a living doing what we love; we owe it
to ourselves to pursue that end.
When we find ourselves in jobs we dislike, that frustrate,
sadden or otherwise enervate us, our souls are telling us that that we just
aren’t in the right place.
When we are doing what we love, by contrast, we feel and
radiate joy and enthusiasm, improving not only our own lives but also our
The angels want us to know that our LOVING can be our
living, and they will instantly answer our requests for help and guidance in
aligning our souls with our sources of income.
Do you believe that
you can make a living doing what you love?
If you would like to
believe this, make a list of the jobs you have enjoyed and the ones you
haven’t. Try to find the distinguishing features within each category. When you
have discovered what jobs made you happy and why, fashion the perfect job for
yourself, using all the positive elements you’ve listed.
Now, visualize
yourself in this job, believe that you will have it, and ask the angels to send
you the energy and opportunities you need to create it.
An Angelic Reflection:
When I do what I love, I create the kind of environment in which abundance
From the book “Angel Wisdom” by Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary
Beth Crain
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