It means elevating the
conversation about the issues of the day, coming at them from a perspective
untainted by fear, judgment or expectation, and seeing them as mere creations.
And as mere creations,
they can be re-created, or created anew.
That is your work on
the Earth, the denser, plane.
Lift the conversation.
Reach for higher words, higher thoughts, higher ideas.
Align yourself with
the energies of the Light. Place yourself always in the Light, and watch the
elements unfold."
I had this reflection late last week during one of my
morning walks. I believe these words emerged as a result of a nagging feeling
that I had after watching a private screening of "The Change Agents", a wonderfully done movie about the
damaging effects of industrialization on the environment. Although the
intention was to inform, and the overall message to inspire hope and positive
action, so much focus on the problem, and its gravity, ended up leaving me
emotionally drained. Of course this begs the question of how to focus on a solution without being dragged down by the "problem". No matter the issue of the day, this, I believe, is the greatest challenge. Raising awareness of a situation is important, but once aware, how do we "spiritualize" it? How do we elevate the conversation? I think this is what Einstein meant when he stated that a problem can’t be solved from the same thinking or level of consciousness that created it.
But what does a Love-based solution look like? This is where my thinking is often stretched, where I am asked to suspend my notions of what is, and what is not, possible, and to wade into the realm of imagination, of creativity, of the unknown, to try and tap into a thought that was not present before.
To tap into those realms, to open myself up to the
impossible, even if only fleetingly, requires me to be in that state of
consciousness, in that place of all-possibility. It requires a mind emptied of
thought, and a heart filled with a calm knowing. It requires an inner stillness
despite the outer turmoil. I can’t claim to have mastered this path, but I better
understand the power of presence and connection as the drivers of action.
As I now look at the issues of the day, I try to reach for
that higher thought about the situation. I try not to fall into the emotion and
drama of it all. I also try not to judge, which is not easy, but rather be a
dispassionate observer, aware but unattached. I envelop the situation in light,
knowing that there is a higher purpose at work, even though I may not
understand it, and that this purpose is very much a loving one, inviting us to
reach higher (into Love) rather than fall deeper (into fear). That is a moment
by moment, individual by individual, choice. No one can make it for us. No one
can enter the recesses of our hearts and minds to accompany us there. No one
can walk this path for us. But I do believe that as we continually reach for those higher thoughts, those higher feelings, those higher perspectives - as insignificant as they may seem in the beginning - we are elevating the conversation. We are inviting a different kind of dialogue, and energy, into our lives. We are "spiritualizing" matter and, in consequence, raising our own, and collective, consciousness.
If we were each to do this with whatever issue we are passionate about, imagine the conversation we would have. Imagine the incredible range of inspired ideas, and actions, we would all offer the world. Imagine how transformed we and our world would be.
It does make you think...
Nice use of imagination, compassion, and directed attention to love and trust in one's inner spirit. Thank you, Mony, for releasing those words of the God Within and inspiring us how to think and walk the talk.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Koozma! You know how much I respect and admire all that you do to share the Light within in your own way.
ReplyDeleteFor any of my friends reading this who are not familiar with Koozma and his tremendous knowledge of the ways of the Dukhobors, I encourage you to visit his website
With love,