Saturday, January 10, 2015

Reflections on Paris events

In these last few days, I have been silent, turning inwards, trying to assimilate the events of Paris.

And as I observed these events, I asked for clarity. For wisdom. For words that would shed light and give meaning.
When our friends Bill Bhaneja and Koozma Tarasoff, the elders of the peace movement here in Ottawa and the other half of what we affectionately term the Peace Quartet, contacted us to have coffee, I couldn’t help but feel I would get some answers there. It normally takes at least two weeks to coordinate everyone’s schedules, but in this case, we met the following day. I was certain the events of Paris would dominate our conversation…
When we parted ways three hours later, not one word had been mentioned. How is that possible? I thought as we drove home. As I replayed our conversation with Alberto, I realized that we had spent most of our time speaking about Alberto’s latest inspiration: drawing the higher selves of individuals, what he perceives as their soul or divine aspect.
It was then that I realized I had received some answers.
To be clear, there is never a justification for killing anyone whose ideas and opinions you disagree with. EVER. Our prayers are with all the people of France.
And as the debates rage on regarding freedom of speech versus creator responsibility, I will say that I find elements of truth in all perspectives. I understand that if we don’t defend freedom of speech, the deeper fear is that we may evolve into censorship. I understand that the individuals, groups or beliefs being mocked and ridiculed could simply ignore those creations, laugh them off, and even use the same pen as their weapon of expression. I get it.
It seems that all the pillars that we had once thought immovable are beginning to crumble.
Fifty years ago, the consciousness of our society permitted and encouraged segregation. It saw bullying and denigration of gays, blacks, minorities, women as perfectly acceptable. It all fit with the consciousness of the times.
Now, we teach children to report bullies. Now, diversity is not only encouraged but celebrated.
Our consciousness is shifting because we are choosing to shift it.
That’s always been our greatest power and gift… the power to choose.
There are some amazing artists out there today, portraying society and the world through their lens of it. I can’t say that I like, or even agree with, all of their creations; but I absolutely respect their choice to do so. I respect all those who share their vision and support it. They are contributing to the consciousness of the world they wish to live in, and it is their absolute right to do so.
I am well aware of the power of my words and creations. It is why I use them with purpose, with deliberate intent, that they may express who I am and what I believe. They are my weapon of choice to create the consciousness and world I wish to live in.
It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword, and there is great truth there. The pen, as with the sword, can humiliate, disparage, enslave, even kill.
But there is one thing the sword can never do: raise people to their highest potential.
May all who have been touched by these events find healing and peace.
Love and light,


  1. Words, art and actions: I also aim to use my words " .. with purpose, with deliberate intent, that they may express who I am and what I believe."

    Right thoughts, right words, right actions.

    Thank you, Mony.

  2. It is indeed remarkable that no mention was said of the Paris events at the meeting of the Quartet last week.
    However, it is shocking how we in the West unquestionably rely on the 'spin' of the news (or the definition of the situation or context) that we receive from the mainstream media. This is worth a read for context on the Paris events:

    Thank you for your search for truth and understanding.

  3. Hi Koozma,

    I had read this article before, and understand where he's coming from. All news is seen through the lens that is applied to it. Western media has a specific lens, clearly... but then, every person has their unique lens that they apply to every situation.

    I can't control what the media chooses to portray, but I do have the power to turn it off, or search for other sources, or come to my own conclusions about whatever I see.

    Buckminster Fuller famously said: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

    And I do believe it is happening. It may not be mainstream yet, but the search beyond what we see is definitely happening on so many levels. This is the consciousness that we are working with, and that we are trying to bring forth more broadly.

    I look forward to our next gathering :-)
