Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Metaphysics - A Conversation with Conny Mendez and Rubén Cedeño

A Conversation with Conny Mendez and Rubén Cedeño

(Source: Conny Mendez y mis Mis Memorias Metafisicas, written by Rubén Cedeño)

One night, sitting with Conny in her private salón of “El Jabillo”, I asked her: “So, Conny, how did you start in Metaphysics?”

Conny, sitting in her armchair with that seigniorial air that always accompanied her, began to tell me: “We were in New York when the Second World War began, and my husband and I wanted to return to Venezuela but could not find a way. Through some contacts, we finally found the way to travel in a cargo boat that was stopping in Puerto Cabello.

We boarded, and there we found, in circumstances similar to ours, the wise Henri Pittier and his wife who were also returning to Venezuela. We were on board for a week, unable to leave Manhattan, because a German submarine was trolling the nearby waters with the intention of sinking us. Alongside our boat were eight others going to different parts of the world, also unable to leave.

Finally, we set sail, always staying near the coast, always navigating by day. By night, we stopped and turned off all the lights so that they would not discover us.

A climate of anguish filled that boat. Only Mrs. Pittier sang with the sailors, and was happy. I couldn’t stand it any longer, and one day grabbed her by the collar and said, “How is it possible that we are in a war and you are dancing like nothing is happening? Don’t you know that a German submarine can sink us at any moment?”

Mrs. Pittier answered, “Nothing is going to happen to us because God is with us.”

And I said, “Why is God not with the soldiers in the war, so that they don’t kill us?”

To which Mrs. Pittier said to me, “Conny, since they don’t know that they are with God, they don’t have His Protection. God works though consciousness.”

After many more days of sailing, we arrived at Puerto Cabello, and the whole town was waiting for us. When we got off, the people said, “They made it. They made it.” And there, we learned that of the nine boats that had set sail from Manhattan, only ours had made it to its destination.

And so I found Mrs. Pittier, and once again grabbed her by the collar and said, “You saved us. What do you know that gives you this power?” And she said to me, “Metaphysics.” I asked her to give me something so that I can learn Metaphysics, and she only gave me the booklet “The Golden Key” by Emmet Fox.”

And with an inflection in her voice, she went on, “Ruben, I spent twenty years reading that one booklet of the Golden Key and managed to solve all my problems.

After the war, I returned to New York. One day, passing by Carnegie Hall, I saw that the same Emmet Fox was giving a conference there. I went in, and eventually became his student.

And now you see how this Golden Key booklet has made Venezuela, through my Metaphysics books, turn Metaphysic.”

Translated by: Mony Dojeiji

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