Monday, March 26, 2012


Last night, Alberto and I watched a great movie called "Un Buda". It's an Argentinian production following the lives of two brothers - one who is a skeptic and very much in his mind, the other a deeply spiritual young man. In a way, it describes the search of each one to find peace. We had seen it before, but felt inspired to watch it again after tuning in to an Oprah show where she visited Fairfield, Iowa, a town whose inhabitants practice Transcendental Meditation without fail every day, twice a day. It is not a commune or a cult. The people living there are not hippies. They are "ordinary" people whose lives, and those of their children, revolve around maintaining a connection with the Divine and bringing that into their everyday worlds. I especially loved the school, and how they were integrating meditation, yoga and the inner focus into the curriculum and into the lives of these children - from the youngest classes, to the oldest.

I was fascinated. I was enthralled. If Oprah is reporting on it, then the shift in consciousness we all keep talking about must be well under way!

So, of course, both Alberto and I redoubled our commitment to meditate a little each day. I had gotten back into the habit of doing yoga in the morning - nothing heavy, just 20 minutes, but enough to give my body a good stretch and start my day feeling more centered. I stayed in the silence a little longer this morning, feeling a wonderful emptiness within. There is no other way to describe it - it was as if my insides were hollow, waiting to be filled, as an empty vessel. I was swaying slightly, and feeling, well... nothing. There was no extreme of any emotion, simply a calm and a peace.

Then the following words: "The only difference between to live and to love is in the I". 

That actually brought a smile to my face.  And slowly, I came out of the meditation. I don't think I stayed the full twenty minutes, but that's OK. It was still a great way to start the day.

Wishing you all a blessed day!

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